The obstacles and financial problems of the treatment of a politraumatised patient- case study

Written by Sebesi Botond, Márton Dénes, Bățagă Tiberiu

The definition of the term politrauma still is a subject of discussion. Politrauma is an injury which affects at least two organ systems simultaneously and the sinergic effect of these two injuries can become a life threatening condition. It is composed by the ISS scale plus the inflamatory response according to AO principles. Politraumatized patients represent the ultimate challange to trauma care. The management of these patients is very expensive. Politrauma is one of the main causes of death in the world, it is the leading cause of death under the age of 40. Fractures are frequently components of politrauma patterns. In this study we would like to present the case of a 32 year old politraumatized woman who sufferd a car accident and we would like to show the therapeutic challenges and the discrepancy between the costs and the profit.

Keywords: politrauma, life threatening conditions, fractures, costly

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