6 |
Antiplatelet and anticoagulant treatment in acute stroke
Bereczki Dániel, Szatmári Szabolcs |
10 |
Cerebral bloodflow examination with Doppler ultrasonography in newborns with posthemorrhagic hydrocephalus
Simon Márta, Bereczky Katalin, Cucerea Manuela |
14 |
An analysis of cases with acute heart failure – hemodynamic features and precipitating factors
Kocsis Ildikó, Frigy Attila, Caraşca Emilian |
16 |
Ankle-brachial index: old method - new perspectives
Máthé Lehel, Bán Erika-Gyöngyi, Serester Annamária |
19 |
Upper gastrointestinal bleedings: etiological, clinical and diagnostic aspects
Szőcs Katalin, Szalman Krisztina, Bancu Ligia Ariana, Brassai Zoltán |
22 |
Complete androgen insensitivity syndrome (Morris syndrome) – Case report
Szántó Zsuzsanna, Kun Imre Zoltán, Darkó Éva o.h. |
26 |
Facial paralysis as a presenting symptom of Burkitt lymphoma – case report
Szentannai Dénes, Fehér István, Andrészek Csaba, Farkas- Ráduly Szabolcs, Szentannai Katalin o.h. |
28 |
Dilatation and curettage as a biopsy method in the I. Gynecology Clinic of Tg.Mures
Toma Áron, Szabó Béla, Puşcaşiu Lucian, Kiss Szilárd-Leó |
32 |
Corneal pathology and indications for corneal transplant at the TgMures Ophthalmology Hospital
Madaras Zoltán, Ferencz Attila, Szatmári Judit, Pop Doina, Horváth Karin |
35 |
Magnetomedication and magnetopharmacy
Kata Mihály |
39 |
Microequilibria at inclusion complexes. III. A particular case of the Linear Free-Energy Relations
Kun Csilla, Tőkés Béla, Donáth-Nagy Gabriella, Vancea Szende |
43 |
Malocclusions - risk factors in the development of temporomandibular disorders
Mártha Ildikó Krisztina, Suciu Mircea |
46 |
Anaerobic flora changes of crevicular fluid due to flossing
Petcu Blanka, Bocskay István, Mare Anca, Man Adrian |
49 |
External bleaching in dystrophic enamel changes: case report
Buka Imola, Bocskay István |
52 |
The Genealogy, Life and Work of Antal Genersich and of Gusztav Genersich
Péter Mihály, Péter H. Mária |
57 |
The Activity of the Institute of Pathology from Cluj, in the Genersich-period (1871-1895)
Szilágyi Marietta |
61 |
Andras Zey’s 18th Century Medicinal Book
Péter H. Mária |