232 |
Hantavirus Infections: Historical and Clinical Overview
Maráczi Alexandra, Buda Botond L., Tóth Gábor A., Jakab Ferenc |
236 |
Treatment of urethral strictures
Kelemen Zsolt, Nyirády Péter, Bánfi Gergely |
241 |
Role of ultrasound in early diagnosis of urinary tract disorders
Moréh Zsuzsánna, Kiss Éva, Papp Zoltán, Simon Márta, Bartos Hilda oh. |
244 |
Nodular lymphocyte predominant Hodgkin lymphoma: case report and literature review
Horváth Emőke, Turcu Mihai, Mezei Tibor, Kiss Éva, Baghiu Despina, Pávai Zoltán, Chira Liliana |
248 |
Beta blocker treatment in heart failure – practical aspects, our experience
Frigy Attila, Kocsis Ildikó, Caraşca Emilian |
251 |
The rule and determination of inflammatory markers in malignant haemopathies
Mareş Ferencz Gizella |
253 |
p16/Ki-67 coexpression is a reliable marker of histopathological diagnosis in cervical biopsies
Chira Liliana, Horváth Emőke, Turcu Mihai, Pávai Zoltán, Mezei Tibor, Jung János |
257 |
The incidence of periradicular surgery in Maxilofacial Surgery Department of Tirgu Mures
Kovács Elemér, Bocskay István |
260 |
Necrotizing Sialometaplasia. Case Report
Bögözi Bálint Botond, Kovács Dezső, Mocan Simona |
263 |
Photostability study of doxepine hidrochloride
Székely Pál, Gyéresi Árpád |
267 |
Study of the soil quality used for Fagopyrum esculentum Moench biocultivation
Incze Anna- Katalin, Csedő Károly, Berde Zsófia |
271 |
Investigating the reasons why Hungarian women avoid organized screening for cervical cancer
Karamán Pakai Annamária, Németh Katalin, Dér Anikó, Kriszbacher Ildikó, Mák Erzsébet, Mészáros Lajos, Lampek Kinga, Oláh András, Balázs Péter |
275 |
Study of mycotoxicogenic moulds and analytical determination of their mycotoxins from spices and forages
György Éva, Harai Éva, András Csaba Dezső, Tolokán Antal, Hantz András |
279 |
Chapters from the history of diabetes
Brassai Zoltán, Brassai Attila, Kelemen Piroska |
291 |
Diagnose – thousand years later. Radiological methods in paleopathology
Tóth Gábor A., Puskás Tamás, Buda Botond L. |