220 |
Treatment of osteoporosis with nitrogen-containing bisphosphonates in Endocrinology Clinic Târgu Mureş during 2004-2008
Kun Imre Zoltán, Szántó Zsuzsanna, Stoica Krisztina, Balázs József, Năsălean Anisie, Gliga Camelia |
226 |
Our experience in managing bone tumors
Nagy Örs, Gergely István, Pop T. Sorin, Russu Octav, Zuh Sándor, Sólyom Árpád |
230 |
Incidence of hyperkalemia when using renin-angiotenzin-system influencing treatment
Máthé Lehel, Bán Erika-Gyöngyi, Suvanjejev Róbert oh., Bartos Edina oh. |
233 |
Experiences with antiviral therapy of chronic hepatitis B
Pocsay Réka, Lakatos Piroska, Martyin Tibor, Bányai Tivadar |
239 |
The evidence of the intraductal breast cancer in patients with breast cancer that appear on a ground of fibrocystic mastopatie
Habor Vasile, Pantiru Adrian, Bara Tivadar, Bara Tivadar Jr., Habor Adriana |
242 |
Correlation between histopathological changes and laboratory findigs in chronic viral hepatitis
Lőrincz Gabriella, Egyed-Zsigmond Imre, Georgescu Dan, Gurzu Simona, Jung János, Mezei Tibor |
248 |
Measurement of dental fear
Galamb Diána, Márton Ildikó, Alberth Márta |
252 |
Biochemical and cellular regulation of alveolar bone metabolism
Markovics Emese Rita, Markovics Péter, Nagy Előd |
256 |
Improvement of dietary conditions for food allergy patients by the development of diet planning software
Mák Erzsébet, Gaál Balázs, Németh Istvánné, Tóth Tímea, Dér Anikó, Karamánné Pakai Annamária, Szabolcs István |
260 |
Professional revision of medico-legal expertises in Hungary
Horváth János |
266 |
Book review – Bősze Péter (ed.): Textbook of Hungarian medical language
Dr. Gyéresi Árpád |
267 |
Physicians and pharmacists in the Encyclopaedia of Hungarian Literature from Romania
Dr. Péter Mihály, Dr. Péter H. Mária |
269 |
Book review – Dr. Bayer István: The establishment and developement of pharmacy
Dr. Gyéresi Árpád |