Clearer diagnosis of meniscus lesions – role of ultrasound imaging

Written by Sólyom Árpád, Bățagă Tiberiu, Benedek Csaba oh., Király Ildikó oh.

In the majority of cases, lesions of the meniscii appear as a result of excessive strain for a long period of time, or due to sudden, uncoordinated movements. A precocious diagnosis is crucial because implementing the right treatment and utilizing a correct rehabilitation program can lessen symptoms, improve quality of life and impede the onset of degenerative modifications. The different diagnostic methods available today can easily point to a correct diagnosis, but their use is oftentimes difficult: they cannot be found in every hospital, long waiting lists are involved and they are very costly. The aim of the present study is to reflect upon the importance of ultrasound imaging in musculoskeletal pathologies. In order to do this, 20 patients with meniscal lesions were chosen, who underwent ultrasound examination preoperatively. The results of the ultrasound where then compared with the modifications found during arthroscopy. Preliminary results show that the ultrasound results corresponded with the arthroscopy in 70% of cases. In the remaining 30%, further associated soft tissue damage was observed, that could not have been diagnosed through ultrasound imaging. These discrepancies are a result of a lack of experience, rather than a lack of knowledge, as ultrasound imaging is not as widespread in the diagnosis of musculoskeletal pathologies.


Keywords: ultrasound, diagnosis, meniscus.

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