Cardiovascular risc profile of hypertensive patients with ischemic heart disease

Written by Bálint Szentendrey Dalma, Germán Salló Márta, Rajna Zsolt, Hubatsch Mihaela, Preg Zoltán, Farkas László Attila, Kikeli Pál István, Dósa Géza

Ischemic heart disease (IC) is the leading cause of morbidity and mortality, but while in western European countries the mortality is decreasing, the WHO MONICA study demonstrates a rising tendency in Romania. The EUROASPIRE studies demonstrate the insufficient recognition and management of cardiovascular risk factors in the clinical practice. The aim of the study is to evaluate the prevalence of CVD risk factors in hypertensive and IC patients, and the attainment of the target values of secondary prevention. We evaluated the anamnestic, objective, laboratory (total cholesterol, HDL and LDL cholesterol, triglyceride, glycaemia, GOTT) and paraclinical data (ECG, ABPM) in 122 patients at their first presentation in the Cardiovascular Rehabilitation Clinic Târgu Mureş. Data were compared to the target values stated by the European Society of Cardiology in 2007. Statistical analysis was done with the SPSS 17. 35% of patients were women, with the average age of 69,72 years, significantly higher than men’s age, 66,24 years. 72% of the patients had stage II hypertension, but only 26,22% of them reached the target values. 55,74% of the women and 60% of the men had glucose metabolism disorders. Only 27% of the patients had normal weight. 32% of the patients reached the target levels of total cholesterol. 95% of patients had more than 1 risk factor, 83% had 2 more risk factors besides HTA, 64% had metabolic syndrome. Our study demonstrates the poor achievement of secondary prevention and underlines the importance of directing high risk patients to Rehabilitation centres.


Keywords: hypertension, ischemic cardiopathy

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