Physicochemical characterisation of the interaction between meloxicam and cyclodextrines

Written by Fülöp Ibolya, Gyéresi Árpád, Ludányi Krisztina, Croitoru Mircea Dumitru

Meloxicam is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug, which selectively inhibits the cyclo-oxygenase-2-enzyme. It contains an acidic enol group and it is practically insoluble in water. The aim of our study is to enhance meloxicam water solubility using cyclodextrins, as well as a physicochemical characterisation of the complex-like products that result by assotiating them. We made physical mixtures containing meloxicam in 1:1 and 1:2 molar ratio with β-cyclodextrin (β-CD) and hydroxypropyl- β-cyclodextrin (HP-βCD). We analysed these mixtures with UV spectrophotometry, thin-layer cromaptography and differential scanning calorimetry. The phase solubility diagrams indicate the water solubility enhancement of meloxicam in the presence of cyclodextrins. The methods used for by the evaluation of these products indicate a complete formation of the complex.


Keywords: meloxicam, cyclodextrins, inclusion complex

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