The 4th Edition of Formulae Normales Veterinariae was published in September 2009. Its earlier 3 Editions were published in 1969, 1973 and 1999. Norma Pauperum (= Prescriptions for poor people) is its ancestor which was valid from 1st of July 1850, two years after the emancipation of serfs and one year after losing our war of independence. In that time, it was the first free treatment for poor people all over the world. Its second edition was published in 1872 and it gave possibilities to order free medicines for the animals of poor people, too. The 4th Edition of the FoNoVet contains 134 up-to-date prescriptions. Readers review its necessity, importance, novelties, structure and editing. It increases the importance of the role of pharmacists in veterinary medical treatment.
Keywords: FoNoVet, history, actuality