The stromal gastrointestinal tumors appear at the level of the intestinal wall from nonspecific mesenchimal cell with descent from Cajal interstitial cells. The most frequent localization of stromal tumor is the stomach, followed by the small bowel, rarely the colon and epiplon. The symptomathology of the disease is determined by the localization of the tumor. Case presentation: 65 year old patient with rectorhagia was admitted from the emergency room. At the level of ⅓rd right inferior rectum was revealed a 3×4 cm hemorrhagic tumor with pararectal and paraanal extension. The endoscopic rectal biopsy of the rectal tumor showed necrosis and melignancy was proved from the pararectal extension. We performed abdominoperianal rectal amputation with ablation of the pararectal tumor. The diagnosis of stromal tumor was confirmed by imunohystochemical examination. Results: 22 months postoperative, the patient showed no simptoms and the abdominal CT-scan was negative. Conlusions: the diagnosis of stromal tumors is difficult, in most cases it is performed postoperatively by histopathological and immunohystochemical examination. Rectal localization of stromal tumors is rare. Stromal gastrointestinal tumors present potential malignancy and therefore postoperative control is highly recommended.
Keywords: stromal gastrointestinal tumor, rectum