Objective: Though chronic periradicular lesions in most cases can be treated with conventional root treatment, in some cases, when they do not respond favorably to such a treatment, surgical methods are necessary. Our objective is to find out which group of teeth is frequently operated with this method, and what is the incidence related to gender and age. Methodology: The patients presented for periapical surgery in the Ambulatory of Maxilofacial Department Târgu Mureş between 2000 -2007 were included (3499 patients). Results: Our findings were that periapical resection was performed more frecvently in the last period, and there was a higher number of operations on female patients (64%). The most frequently resected tooth was the second upper lateral incisor. Conclusions: The higher number of periradicular surgery performed in the last period suggests a higher need of the patients, and a growing number of recommendations for this kind of surgery from the dentists. The higher succes rate because of the advanced surgery methods recommends it as a completion to conventional endodontic treatment.
Keywords: periapical surgery, incidence, statistics