In 1899 Károly Lechner, the chief physician of the mental hospital in Angyalföld district in Budapest was invited to the director of university clinic for psychopathology and neurology in Kolozsvár and was appointed to professor. The new clinic had been built up based on his conceptions where he created the neurophysiological-reflexological theory of psychology and psyxhopathology during his 30 years tenure. With this work he has become one of the leading representatives of the Hungarian psychiatrist school. The Ferenc József (Francis Joseph) University had been forced to move from Kolozsvár in 1919, which found a new home in Szeged only in 1921. Even during his serious illness Károly Lechner was directing the new clinic for a half year until his death. From his coworkers Rudolf Fabinyi, István Zsakó and Sándor Stief have become chief physicians in the Lipótmező Institute for Neurological and Mental Diseases (Budapest); László Benedek, József Szabó and Gyula Nyírő were appointed to university professors.
Keywords: history of medicine, Lechner Károly, Cluj, Szeged