Deep vein thrombosis of the upper extremities

Written by Kelemen Piroska, Kun-Bálint Emese, Brassai Zoltán

Deep vein thrombosis (DVT) is a frequent and often diagnosticated illness even in our days. The correct diagnosis is often missed because it’s a rare illness (2% of all DVT) and in 50% of cases is asympthomatic. Its importance consists in its acute and chronic complications. Pulmonary thromboembolism is associated in up to 16% of the cases. Patients with DVT of the upper extremities treated incorrectly develop varying degrees of disability (25-75%) as a result of the developed chronic venous hypertension. In this paper we discuss the aetiopathology, symptomatology, positive and differential diagnosis, particularity and treatment options of the patients with upper extremity DVT. Conclusions: in case of arm swelling we must think about the diagnosis of DVT. We must try to have aetiologycal diagnosis, which determines the treatment and the prevention of recidivation. The correct early treatment prevents the acute and chronic complications and helps the quicker rehabilitation of the patient.

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