Oral lesions in HIV infected patients

Written by Kassay Zsuzsa oh., Székely Szilárd oh., Ferenczi Hunor oh., Kovács Dezső, Zaharia Kézdi Iringó

Introduction: Many oral lesions are strongly associated with HIV infection. It is important for dental professionals to recognize these lesions early, as it alerts patients to their HIV status, and allows them to receive appropiate and promt treatment for their disease and the related oral conditions. Methodology: From December 2005, an oral examination was made on HIV positive patients at the Clinic of Infectious Diseases, in Târgu-Mureş, for a study on prevalence and clinical aspects of oral lesions associated with HIV infection. Results: Oral lesions were found in 80% of the patients. Oral candidiasis and HIV gingivitis were the most common lesions. Other lesions found were herpes simplex, HIV periodontitis, hairy leukoplakia, angular cheilitis and oral lichen. Conclusions: Oral lesions occur commonly in HIV infection. A comprehensive oral examination may not only suggest HIV disease but may also be useful in monitoring the disease progression.

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