Aspects of Ferenc Nyulas’s antiepidemic activity

Written by Péter Mihály

The 250th anniversary of Ferenc Nyulas’s birth is a great opportunity to summarize the antiepidemic activity of the Transylvanian head physician. A large segment of his vast and varied activity refers to the fight against plague and smallpox. He managed to stop the spread of the epidemics which burst out in 1795 in the surroundings of Dés (Dej). He obtained remarcable results concerning the vaccin against smallpox. In Kolozsvár (Cluj), he used this vaccin with more than 100 people. The outcomes, his observations and medical recommendations were published in 1802, in a small volume „Kolozsvári tehénhimlő” (Vaccination in Cluj). This volume is the subject of this paper.


Keywords: life and work, vaccination antivariolic, plague, endemic goiter, scurvy

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